We distinguish ourselves on our three pillars: Sisterhood, Service, and Cultural Diversity. They are the foundation of our sorority and the virtues that bring us together in sisterhood. They allow us to become stronger women, provide service, and help advocate for cultural diversity within the greater community.

Although it is difficult to describe, the bond of sisterhood is a common light that burns passionately in each sister. We embrace a unique relationship based on friendship, respect, and a shared vision. Wherever we go, and no matter how long ago we were initiated, each sister serves an essential role in the sorority as we support each other through academic excellence, success, and inclusivity. Kappa Phi Lambda has provided our sisters with an endless network of opportunities, memories, and new experiences as we meet sisters across the globe. We easily find comfort in knowing that our sisterhood extends so much further beyond our own university!

Contributing to the community and supporting important causes are core values of Kappa Phi Lambda. Whether through our national philanthropy, the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), our local philanthropy, Refugee Community Partnership (RCP), or through local chapter involvement, the Pillar of Service empowers sister to tackle tough social justice issues and promote Asian American advocacy by uplifting all marginalized communities. We serve to combat gender inequality, hate crimes, socioeconomic injustice, and racial inequality. Our sisters actively foster volunteerism, advocacy, and leadership on campus.

The sisters of Kappa Phi Lambda strongly believe in the Pillar of Cultural Diversity. We believe that by educating our community about the beauty and complexity of Pan-Asian cultural heritage, we also uphold the importance of understanding all cultures. We host and attend events on and off campus to expand our cultural awareness and help to educate others. We push to explore our individual identities by shining light on issues that affect not only our cultural identities, but also the intersectionality of our racial, gender, and sexual identities. Although we are an Asian / Asian American interest sorority, by no means are we Asian exclusive. Across the nation, sisters of Kappa Phi Lambda represent over 50 different ethnicities and over 30 different native languages.